
The initial inspiration for the “Microworld” project shifts towards destabilizing human scales – both spatial and temporal – as the dominant plane of reference and to emphasize biological and technological micro-agencies.

Project’s metaphysical, and moral principles come from ideas about simplicity, naturalness, and acceptance of reality that surrounds us.

How does the non-scientist contribute to the science? I will never pretend to be a scientist. I’m a fascinated consumer of science. I am the public, in some sense, for science. I am attempting to be informed about what scientific theories and studies are motivating the disciplines that I study in graphic design. This is my position. My terms of understanding for science are deeply value-laden, because in my work and in my understanding of culture, there is no culture without ideology. There is no culture without politics. I mean politics as in the polis.

Today, we cannot imagine science as being ignorant of that reality when scientists are being asked to change words in their abstract, when they are being asked to redescribe their experiments. We are in a deeply political moment. I’m there to appreciate it as a cultural manifestation.

I’m that child of the ‘90s that’s constantly seeking for the source of meaning. And to find the source, I must look closer.